Many of you look for ceiling fans when you are renovating your home. To keep your home updated with the current trends, you need to make careful considerations, from the selection to the installation in your home. Here are some FAQs that you should know before purchasing Singapore ceiling fan with light:

1. Can you replace a light fixture with a ceiling fan?
In terms of your electrical requirements, you can replace a light fixture with a light ceiling fan Singapore. There is no issue in doing that. However, you need to know whether the existing ceiling structure can bear the extra weight.
2. Is your light ceiling fan Singapore too big?
Fan size needs to carefully considered before installing a Singapore ceiling fan with light. You should know the space in which you are going to hang a ceiling fan. The size of your fan should not be too small or too big.
Suppose that you have a room of 12 x 12 feet. This means that your room is approximately 100 to 150 square feet. You should buy a ceiling fan with blade size of 50-52 inches. If your room is of 6 x 6 feet, the ideal fan blade size is 35 inches. You should refer to the fan size guide before purchasing a ceiling fan.
3. What is the ideal number of fan blades?
It is usually hard to answer this question. However, you can easily answer it by keeping your needs in mind. While selecting the blade numbers for your light ceiling fan Singapore, you should consider energy consumption/efficiency, cooling speed, noise, aesthetics, etc. For fast cooling, you should buy a ceiling fan with three blades. You can purchase a ceiling with 4 or 5 blades if you want quieter fans.